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Sales representatives custom app

Custom freestyle application for sales representatives working in field

Business scenarios

  • Supporting identifying most important customers
  • Defining customer development goals
  • Monitoring customer development progress


We have developed a significant portion of a large SAP UI5 application, the primary tool for a sales force of 6,000 operating in 19 countries and 14 languages (including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese). The application is designed to support up to 10,000 users. It integrates with SAP CRM 7, enabling the identification of key customers, setting customer development goals, and tracking progress.

The SAP UI5 application features a custom launch cockpit and includes 15 dashboards with up to four levels of drill-down tailored to specific product groups. These dashboards and drill-down screens display relevant data in visually rich formats, such as pie charts and bar charts, along with trend indicators.

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